Essay 3 of 4: Life Purpose

Although I’m not studying to become a professor, I wouldn’t consider myself the black sheep of the family. My mom, dad, and sister—all undergraduate English majors—now teach some brand of literature, writing, or public relations. I, on the other hand, teach nothing, and my prospects in that direction don’t look too promising. Of course, that’s only natural, because I don’t feel called to teach. Instead, for the time being, I feel called to litigate. In fact, I’m so confident that the law is where God wants me that, if I knew how genes worked, I might say it’s in my DNA.

We as a family do, however, have a similar passion: education. We simply have a different means of promoting it. I’ve read too many stories about the ACLU, the NAACP, or some prejudiced school board denying students—almost always Christians or conservatives—their basic freedoms to sit by idly and do nothing. Now that I’m finally in a place where I can fight to preserve these freedoms, I’m chomping at the bit. As Rudy might say, “I’ve been waiting for this my whole life!”

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