True Olympic Spirit

I really don’t mind the recent news stories about those persons protesting the Olympics. They’re protesting Communism, only the greatest evil of the twentieth century. They put to shame modern-day “civil rights” protesters, the Cindy Sheehans of this world.


They oppose, quite simply, a government full of monsters.


In America, it’s worthwhile to debate gun control and global warming. And, yes, it’s fair to criticize the Bush administration for poor planning and overabundant spending.


But at the end of the day, we Americans go to bed blanketed by freedoms that those who sleep under the oppressive regime of Communism can only dream of.


It follows that, for most Americans, the Olympics symbolize nothing important. We don’t possess a “League of Nations” mentality because we see nominal value in an organization that offers us little that we don’t already have.


I wonder, then, how the Chinese athletes view the Olympics. Is it any more than a venue where they can play out their lifelong drama and showcase to the world the art they’ve spent every waking moment perfecting? I imagine so.


I imagine they see the Americans and wonder what it would be like to live in a place so prosperous and free.


I doubt they’d care about gun control or global warming. I bet they’d be thankful for President Bush, despite his faults. And I think they’d prefer America’s freedom to China’s bondage.


So to the protesters fighting against an evil—and for an ideal—greater than themselves, keep up the Olympic spirit!