
With age, people change. They change like the colors of the seasons: slowly, but inevitably. Perhaps it’s the hairline or the weight, the political affiliations or the religious denominations. Some win the lottery, and others get cancer.  People stay, people move, and people die.

And yet in spite of that motion, in all and after all, one thing remains: “of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things.” Whatever the season of life, never forget where you came from. Never forget your ethos.

My posts will flutter around like the leaves, but like those leaves, they will thematically identify with the same Tree, the only Tree. I believe in absolute Truth, in one God, in a single means of salvation. And yet I cherish my freedom in Christ.

I pray that the posts on this site will encourage you, entertain you, enlighten you, but ultimately comfort you in the knowledge that no matter the shape or color of our leaves, it matters only that we fall from and belong to the same Tree.

“No matter how the wind may blow, it cannot shake the Son.” — JJ Heller

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